
Our employee rewards and recognition platform is loved by both employees and employers.

Over 30 years experience

No Platform fees for 2 years

Free branded employee portal

Our employee rewards and recognition platform makes it easy to recognize and reward your team for a job well done.

Employee rewards and recognition programs are a great way to show your team that you appreciate their hard work. Our rewards and recognition platform is powered by the onecode, our amazing digital reward code. With onecode, your employees get to pick their perfect reward, so you don’t have to. All they need to do is swap their onecode value for what they want. Whether it’s a gift card from a top retailer, an experiential reward, a new appliance or gadget or a hamper, they get what they want.

  • Our employee engagement platform works harder for you, so you get more from your team.
  • We send an employee’s rewards directly to their phones.
  • Connect your teams and create a buzz in the workplace.
  • Eliminate wasted time dreaming up treats and rewards they might like,  they pick their own!
onecode demonstrating manager and employee incentives platform and employee rewards platform

Our employee rewards and recognition platform can be branded to your business.

When you sign up for our employee rewards and recognition platform powered by the onecode, you’ll be able to brand your program to match your business. This way, your team will feel like they’re being rewarded by your company, rather than some generic system.

A way to show your employees that you care, that your employees are the backbone of your company, and that you are invested in long term rewards and recognition. The stats are all taken from your live data, and it’s fully trackable.

No manager has time to chase employees to redeem a reward, check their employee  rewards and recognition platform or to have to see that there has been no engagement from employees with the program.

The STY reward management platform

An employee rewards and recognition platform that employees love.

Get an employee rewards and recognition platform that’s great for managers and loved by employees. An employee rewards and recognition platform is only as good as employees say it is. Often, there can be a lot of emphasis on the ease of giving rewards, of peer to peer recognition or creating rewards – but what about what employees receive? Don’t choose their reward! Our platform is the only employee rewards and recognition platform that allows you to send rewards to your employees based on their preferences. You give a onecode digital reward code and they can redeem it for gift card, e gift cards and physical products. The onecode is different to any other reward platform – offering recipients a virtual high street they can shop. Imagine a virtual high street, curated by your employees to spend their rewards on in real time. They might want to spend £10 in M&S, save £10 for boohoo.com or perhaps put all their rewards into payment for a holiday, an experience day or a trip to the theatre.
Rewards and recognition gift being from the employee engagement platform


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