
Random Acts of Kindness: How They Benefit Businesses and Improve Customer Experience

You’ve probably heard of Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) – or even the flip side ‘Acts of Random Kindness -(ARK) but do you know how they can benefit your business? In this blog post, we will discuss the ways that Random Acts of Kindness improve customer experience and generate more revenue for your company. We’ll also explore why customer service teams should be empowered to give gifts as part of their Random Acts of Kindness. Read on to learn more!

What are Random Acts of Kindness?

Random Acts of Kindness are, quite simply, acts of kindness that are done without any expectation of reciprocity or payment. They can be as small as holding the door open for someone, or as large as donating to a charity. Random Acts of Kindness can be performed by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Let’s not get confused between service and the basic expectations of a company and the pinnacle of CX, which is delivering happiness moments and gifts on a regular basis. Random Acts of Kindness are also not the same as apology gifts / service recovery gifts.

There is even a day for being kind! Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated annually on February 17th. The day encourages people of all ages to perform acts of kindness for others, and spreading love and positivity.

Why businesses can benefit from Random Acts of Kindness

While the primary motivation for performing Random Acts of Kindness should be to make someone’s day a little brighter, there are also some secondary benefits. Did you know that scientific tests into showing kindness has revealed: **

  • When we give, our brains release dopamine, which makes us feel happy.
  • People who perform Random Acts of Kindness are more likely to report feeling happier and healthier than those who don’t.
  • Random Acts of Kindness can increase job satisfaction and commitment to one’s workplace.**

Kindness shouldn’t stop at home!

Businesses can benefit from Random Acts of Kindness in many ways. For one, they help to improve customer experience. When customers are treated with kindness and respect, they are more likely to have a positive opinion of the company. Random Acts of Kindness also help to generate word-of-mouth marketing, as customers are more likely to tell others about their positive experiences. Finally, Random Acts of Kindness can help to build relationships with customers and employees alike. When people feel valued and appreciated, they are more likely to be loyal to the company.

What can you give as a Random act of Kindness?

Take a look at this guide.

At the start, the basics of customer service include :

  • Answering the phone within three rings
  • Using please and thank you
  • Smiling
  • Making eye contact
  • Listening more than talking

These are the minimum standards that customers expect from businesses, but they are not Random Acts of Kindness. To go above and beyond for customers, businesses should empower their customer service team to do more for the customer.

The next level up of service that goes the extra mile might include :

  • Asking customers their name and using it throughout the conversation
  • Using positive language
  • Attempting to resolve the issue on the first call
  • Going above and beyond to solve the problem

After that, Random Acts of Kindness could be offered.

Examples of Random Acts of Kindness

  • A customer may mention that they are calling in between studies for an exam. An appropriate gift could be a delivery of a special pen, a gift card for some books or some champagne for when they complete the exam.
  • A customer may mention they will be watching the big football game tonight. An appropriate Random Act of Kindness could be sending over a pizza or some snacks for the game.
  • A customer may mention they are going on a special holiday. An appropriate Random Act of Kindness could be sending a handwritten note wishing them a safe and happy trip. You might even make a small box up with some holiday essentials.
  • Perhaps a customer mentions their other half. You could ask how long they have been married. Perhaps their anniversary is coming soon. You could create an Act of Kindness and send a gift card for a romantic dinner.

These Random Acts of Kindness will not only improve customer experience, but they will also build loyalty and customer retention.

Gifts That Work Best

It’s not about the value of the gift, it is about the thought behind it. The best Random Acts of Kindness are those that are personal and tailored to the customer. They should be given without expecting anything.

There are many things that you can give as a Random Act of Kindness. Some examples include:

The possibilities are endless! The important thing is to choose something that you think the recipient will appreciate.

Why customer service teams should be empowered to give gifts as part of their Random Acts of Kindness

Customer service teams are in a unique position to perform Random Acts of Kindness. They often have direct contact with customers, and they are usually the first point of contact for many people. This gives them the opportunity to make a positive impression and build strong relationships with customers. Additionally, customer service teams are often responsible for handling complaints and resolving issues. Random Acts of Kindness can help to diffuse negative situations and turn unhappy customers into loyal fans.

What gifts work best?

When choosing a gift to give as part of a Random Act of Kindness, it is important to consider the recipient. What would they like? What would be most meaningful to them? Sometimes, the best gifts are those that are personal and thoughtful. Other times, a simple gesture is all that is needed. It really depends on the situation and the person you are giving to.

How Random Acts of Kindness improve CX

Random Acts of Kindness improve customer experience in many ways. They show customers that they are valued and appreciated. They also create positive emotions and memories, which can lead to repeat business and referrals. Finally, Random Acts of Kindness help to build strong relationships between businesses and their customers.

The benefits of improved CX

There are many benefits of improved customer experience. These benefits include increased sales, higher customer retention rates, and improved brand reputation. Additionally, companies with excellent customer experience often see lower costs associated with customer service and support. All of these factors can lead to increased profitability for businesses.

Random Acts of Kindness are a win-win for businesses and customers alike. By showing customers that they are valued and appreciated, businesses can improve customer experience, increase sales, and boost profitability. So what are you waiting for? Start spreading some kindness today!

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