
The Benefits of Purchasing from Independent Sellers

At Simply Thank You, we are delighted to launch our brand new product range from independent sellers – Simply Independent – a new way for you to reward with purpose – all from handpicked British Independent businesses. Through our partnership with Insiem, the new British Independent marketplace, these products can now be available to you for bespoke orders, as part of your employee reward shop or your next customer campaign. But why do customers and employees want to shop with independent businesses?

Independent sellers are the backbone of the British economy, and shopping with them supports British jobs. In 2017, small businesses employed an estimated 16.0 million people, which is 60% of all private sector employment in the UK (Source: Federation of Small Businesses).

Customers are increasingly interested in where their products come from and who they are supporting when they make a purchase. They want to buy products that have a story and that they can connect with, as well as feeling good about the social and environmental impact of their choices.

When it comes to employee rewards, employees value being recognised for their hard work in a way that is personal to them. Shopping with independent sellers allows you to do just that, by choosing rewards that your employees will love and appreciate.

Independent sellers are also more likely to invest their profits back into their business or their employees, so you can be sure that your purchase is making a positive impact.

Employees are interested in CSR

CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility – is a broad term used to describe a company’s efforts to improve society in some way. This can be done in many ways, such as through charitable donations, environmental initiatives, or by supporting local communities. This can also extend to the rewards they are given for work.

In a study by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), it was found that nearly half of employees would like their company to do more to support good causes (44%), and that a similar proportion would like to be rewarded with experiences that give back to society or the environment (43%).

This shows that there is a growing interest in CSR among employees, and that they want to work for companies that are making a positive impact on society.

By shopping with independent sellers, you can be sure that you are supporting British jobs and businesses, as well as allowing them to choose rewards they will love.

Customers are also interested in brand ethics

It’s not just employees who want to spend their rewards in an ethical way. A survey by YouGov found that half of UK consumers would not buy from a company if they did not agree with its ethical values. This suggests that brand ethics are becoming increasingly important to customers, and that they are willing to take their business elsewhere if a company does not align with their values.

Independent sellers on your reward platform allow you to show that you are interested in being a business that cares – and that you align yourself with small businesses. By offering great rewards that also include independent sellers, you can demonstrate that you care about your employees and customers, as well as the British economy.


Choice is critical for any reward whether for a customer or an employee.

A survey into rewards and customer incentives by the Incentive Research Foundation found that customers are motivated by being able to choose their own reward (61%), and that this is more effective than receiving a cash reward (34%).

The same principle applies to employees. A study by PwC found that choice is the most important factor when it comes to employee rewards, with nearly two-thirds of employees (64%) saying that they would like to have more choice in the rewards they receive.

Independent sellers on your reward platform offer a wide range of choice, so that you can find the perfect reward for your customers or employees. It’s a great way to add extra value to recipients.


Many businesses want to ensure that their rewards to continue to deliver excitement and ROI.

Programme refreshes are common, but a new range of independent sellers on your reward platform can provide an engagement boost at any time.

In a survey of HR professionals by the CIPD, it was found that nearly two-thirds (64%) of organisations are planning to refresh their employee rewards in the next 12 months. This suggests that there is a strong desire among businesses to keep their rewards programmes up-to-date and engaging.

Independent businesses on your reward platform can provide a great way to do this, as they offer a wide range of unique and interesting rewards that are sure to excite and engage employees.


There are many benefits to shopping with independent businesses, both for customers and employees – and if you have a Simply Thank You reward platform, independent gifts are now available through Simply Independent.

If you are looking for the perfect gift, corporate reward or customer treat – look no further!

If you would like to enquire more about our independent seller gifts, please get in touch.

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